Saturday, August 25, 2007

What does RAPE mean to you: A Showoff of Power or Lust about Female body

Is rape about lust or Power?

This is my opinion:

Rape is about sex AND power in varying degrees.
Depending on the circumstances.

A gang rape is about both power and sex for the perpetrators.
That they can hurt a girl,violate her and hear her yelling for help while they take turns to humiliate her.
It has to be some sort of perverse pleasure for them,doesn't it?

A guy who drugs a girl and then rapes her,because she may not put it out,
He's not using power or showing it either.
He's just drugging her so that she knows what's happening but can't feel,resist or move willingly.
This where rape is about sex for the guy.
But for the victim,she's going to feel just as helpless.powerless.worthless.
That's where power comes into the equation.
The intent of the perpetrator might not have been to feel powerfull.
But he has managed to make her feel helpless.

A scenario where a guy rapes a woman just to feel manly or to show he's the stronger one or with the sole intention to abuse is about power primarily.
For eg:A fight that ensues in a rape.
Marital rapes might probably fall under this category.

What's your opinion? Do tell me ...

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